I have a love-hate relationship with food. Love it when I’m having it and hate it when I’m not. Who else has this problem?!?!?
I’ve worked in the food industry for over 10 years and my opinions about food have never changed when it comes to eating out. I enjoy the ambiance, the company, and most importantly the first bites of a greasy cheeseburger or some BBQ pork ribs.
If anything I’ve grown to appreciate them more. Every time I start a new diet, I learn to appreciate the foods I once ate so generously and have found a new appreciation for the types of foods I’d never thought I’d see myself eating.
For me, my heaviest was when I was 30 pounds over my ideal weight. That may not seem much but for someone of my size, it was not pleasant. The simple reason how I got there was by getting too comfortable and growing complacent. The moment I had enough was when I just couldn’t look at myself in the mirror anymore and my self-esteem at an all-time low.

It was then I first discovered Paleo and Intermittent Fasting. Who wouldn’t be enticed with the idea of eating like a caveman and workout like a
And then life happened. I relocated to another city. My schedule was out of whack and stopped going to the gym. As you already know, the weight I worked so hard to lose, all came back. I was back to square one and my self-esteem dropped to where it was before too. I was bummed and just like the previous time, it took a deep conversation with myself to get into the weight losing spirit.
With the changing times, came the change in diet trends. All of a sudden everyone was raving about Keto. When it was explained to me, I was immediately interested because it was similar enough to Paleo. It didn’t take long at all for me to see results. Just within a week, I saw the biggest losses and I eventually lost 11 pounds in a month reaching my targeted weight. Keto to me was like Paleo on steroids; I got the same results within half the time!
I told myself that if I hit my target weight, I would celebrate. So a month in, I broke ketosis and ate like a normal foodie by having a beer, cheeseburger (with the buns!), and potato chips. After that day I slowly reintroduced the carbs into my life but still kept it low. Without knowing it I was following the Atkins Diet and my weight somehow maintained itself.

What I later found was that all these diets worked and the common denominator here was the low carbs and intermittent fasting. In other words, the answer to eating out and maintaining weight is having a low carb diet plan and/or intermittent fasting! With these two, either together or practiced separately will bring results. I am a firm believer there’s a diet for everyone. It just depends on what your goals are.