Everytime I head to H Mart, I’m always passing by Rangzen Tibetan Place. This went on for about 2 years and finally I told myself, “Enough already. Let’s try some Tibetan food!”
Restaurant Type: Casual Dining.
My short summary sentence: Momo for the Millionaire Guru.
Food (65%)
Taste to price 2.5/5
Quality to price 3/5
Portion to price 3.5/5
Average = 3
Service (20%)
Friendliness 4/5
Promptness 4/5
Average = 4
Cleanliness (15%)
Bathroom n/a
Dining area 4/5
Kitchen area 4/5
Average = 4
Overall Score = [F(.65)]+[S(.20)]+C(.15)]
= [1.95]+[0.8]+[0.6]
= 3.35
What else to know: I found myself torn and yet again a minority here. I really wanted to like the place. I mean, they did a wonderful job with the exterior and the prayer flags hanging outside their veneer. The menu was nicely curated with a thoughtful intro on the first page. The ambiance and the wait staff were all too kind but when the food came, things started to go a little south. At $15.95 for 8 pieces of lamb momo, I expected complex flavors and textures. When I bit into it, all of it was absent. Don’t get me wrong, they were good but not at that price point I was anticipating much more. I would have felt quite differently at half the price which brings me to their lunch buffet. At $14.77 per person, this may address my price complaints and change my review. Perhaps, this is the experience reviewers rave about. For that reason this review remains to be finalized. Until then, 3.35/5 sounds just about right for dinner time.
Langsha Tsel Nezom w/ steamed buns! Langsha Tsel Nezom
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