[3.9/5] You see, I’ve had a rollercoaster of a relationship with Kaju Tofu House. After coming here for years I took a long break when I figured out how to make my own at home. I went back a few times but it just wasn’t the same when my less than $3 home version tasted comparable to the $14 version. And then something happened.
Restaurant Type: Casual Dining.
Food: See pic (65%)
Taste to price 4/5
Quality to price 4/5
Portion to price 4/5
Average = 4
Service (20%)
Friendliness 3/5
Promptness 4/5
Average = 3.5
Cleanliness (15%)
Bathroom 4/5
Dining area 4/5
Kitchen area 4/5
Average = 4
Overall Score = [F(.65)]+[S(.20)]+C(.15)]
= [2.6]+[0.7]+[0.6]
= 3.9
What else to know: On a lazy, hot-humid day I decided to stop by. I ordered my usual beef, octopus tofu soup. Within 15 minutes, the waiter came holding my soup and placed the claypot in front of me. That’s when I started to get excited. To my amazement, the soup simmered for what seemed like an eternity (see my video). I couldn’t even see the silky tofu that usually swims with the current of the soup. Once the steam cleared and the bubbling calmed, I made my way to the broth and found treasures of tofu, beef, and octopus. These were much fresher and larger than what I remembered. When I took the first sip, I couldn’t believe how spicy and rich the flavor was and once I made it halfway, I was practically sad not wanting it to end. By the last drop of soup, I suddenly remembered why I enjoyed Kaju Tofu House in the first place which was for the value and the comforts of their stew.
When comparing the last few times to my most recent, the taste was like night and day. It’s a rare feat for a well established restaurant with an already huge fan base to improve their dishes like that. Perhaps they have some Jedi Mind reading powers and wanted me back as a customer. Whatever the case maybe, it worked. I’m back and lovin’ it. Kudos to management 🙂